December News 24

Fledglings News December 2024
Christmas Closure dates 2024 & 2025This year, we close on Monday 23rd December and re-open on Friday 3rd January 2025.   Next year, we close on Tuesday 23rd December 2025 and re-open on Monday 5th January 2026. Preschool Christmas party Invitations have been sent via Famly to all PRESCHOOLchildren to invite them to the Christmas party on Friday 20th December 1-3pm.  Please ensure to RSVP so we can arrange staff ratios accordingly.
Kitchen – we had our unannounced kitchen inspection this week.  We are very pleased to have retained our five stars.  The inspector was particularly impressed with our prevention of cross-contamination for allergy measures considering the many and varied allergies we have to deal with.

Your child’s last day before the Christmas break

Please confirm via Famly/WhatsApp which day is your child’s last day before the Christmas break, and whether they will be back Friday 3rd January if Friday is their day.  We wouldn’t want to miss giving them their bag of Christmas goodies!

Clothing, coats, hats & GLOVES! – Don’t we just love glove season???!!!  Mittens are much easier for children to manage.  Please consider our sanity over the Christmas break and invest in those little clips to attach them to their coat or sew a piece of fabric through their coat to hang them (at least 20 children in preschool, that can be 40 gloves/mittens in one room each day, IMAGINE!)… it’s natural for children to remove their gloves/mittens when playing outside, it’s not natural for most children to remember where they have put them…or that our rule is ‘gloves in coat pocket!’  We will be sending home the children’s change of clothes bags.  Please ensure that they are checked and re-stocked with weather-appropriate named spare clothing and all children come with an appropriate NAMED coat?  Many thanks! Oh, did we mention that you need to NAME their coats, shoes, gloves and hats?!
Funding & Fees – If you are already in receipt of funding, please ensure to renew your eligibility code before the end date.  If you are newly eligible for funding, you will need to complete a form (which will be sent to you from Fledglings) and then keep renewing your code.  We issue new monthly amounts in September, January and April in line with funding terms for all families.  Any queries, feel free to speak to Jo, whose normal working days are Tue/Wed/Thu. Sessions Thank you to all our families who regularly recommend us to others and also who request places for younger siblings.  We are full and have been for quite some years..!  However, if you do require an extra ad-hoc day or a permanent extra or change of day, please feel free to message Jo/Jane on the Famly app and we will always do our best to accommodate your requests.  We usually look at new admissions quite far in advance, so if it is your intention to add/reduce/swap days from your current attendance at all in the future, please discuss with Jo at your earliest convenience.
Thank you to those new parents who recently attended the stay and plays in the nest and playschool, we enjoyed sharing the children’s activities with you. Updates We are installing a new nursery door soon and having a little bit of paintwork done to the outside of the building along with some of the nursery floors replaced during the Christmas closure.  Additionally, Leighton Snow’s company (one of our parents) is kindly providing a new rain shelter.  Thank you very much Mr Snow!  This is being installed soon.  We also hope to have some new lighting around the entrance so that it is a little easier on the dark evenings for us all!