Childcare Costs

Help with the cost of child-care is available the following ways.

Childcare Vouchers

are non-taxable and exempt from National Insurance Contributions (N.I.C.) for employees and offer National Insurance savings for employers. Childcare Vouchers have become the recognised payment method for childcare and benefit both basic and higher rate tax payers. These vouchers can be used at Fledglings as payment towards fees.  Fledglings is also registered to accept the Government Childcare Voucher Scheme please see

Nursery Education Grant

Fledglings is Ofsted registered and therefore eligible for the government nursery education grant. Children are eligible for nursery grant funding the term after they are three. The government funds the cost of 15 hours nursery education per term maximum 570 hours per year. This is funding for education only. The government funding is not intended to cover the cost of meals, daily consumables, additional hours or additional services such as music, nature garden, PE, trips, visitors or snacks.

From September 2017 some families will be eligible for extended funding up to 30 hours, please see

2 Year Olds

Some two year old children who meet the eligibility criteria and those looked after by the local authority will be entitled to 570 hours free early education per academic year, the term after they are two. Please see Stockport MBC website for details.