August Newsletter 2024

Fledglings News  
Thank you ever so much for all your kind cards and gifts you have sent either jointly for the nursery and/or individually for staff members.  We truly appreciate it.  It never gets any easier saying goodbye to families when children leave for school, some have been with us only one year, some more than three of their four little years! It is a very emotional time for all staff. Holidays Please could you tag either Jane or Jo (or both) into any messages you send regarding children’s absences, so we can also make a note and not message you on the beach!
Famly Please ensure you have your notifications turned on and that if you have requested medication be administered, then this has been acknowledged well before the time of the first dose.  We will not administer medication without acknowledgement from the Parent. Trips We have been taking full advantage of the nice weather recently and plan to continue our monthly visits to Simply Books, we try to change the day we go so that all children will get the chance to participate.  We feel it is a more appropriate environment for children in the preschool room.  We hope to recommence monthly Rhythm Time session for the playschool and nest children from September onwards, again we try to hold them on different days so that many children get to participate.
Transitions & spare clothing – with quite a few children moving rooms and some children due to leave, we will be sending the spare clothing bags home for you to restock and ensure everything is NAMED.  For children moving into preschool, please ensure you send a pair of NAMED WELLIES for outdoor play and a NAMEDcoat as children independently put their coats and shoes on and back on their pegs.  Many thanks! Oh, did we mention that you need to NAME their coats, shoes and hats?! Suncream / coats Please remember to send a NAMED sun hat and coat when the weather is changeable.  Please apply suncream to your children before nursery and ensure to let the staff on the door know at drop off time that they have had it on.  Suncream will be reapplied in the afternoon if required.
Funding & Fees We will be sending the new amounts to pay from September next week.  Jo is still awaiting confirmation from some parents regarding codes.  If you are already in receipt of funding, please just keep renewing your code.  If you are newly eligible for funding, then you need to complete a form and then keep renewing your code.  We issue new monthly amounts in September, January and April in line with funding terms.  Any queries, feel free to speak to Jo, whose normal working days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.  
Our ‘policy of the month’ this month is ‘Lockdown’ We have a lockdown policy in place and practice this with the staff and children.  In the event of a partial or full lockdown, parents will be notified via WhatsApp message of the action required.  It is essential that parents DO NOT PHONE the nursery during a lockdown as telephone lines must be kept clear for authorities to be able to contact us.  Regular updates will be sent via WhatsApp.  We are very lucky to be on a school premises where safeguarding and security of the entire site is taken very seriously.
Staffing – We have recently welcomed Lilly Cuthbertson who will be continuing her apprenticeship in our outstanding setting.  Lilly will work across all rooms as part of her training.  We have also managed to convince Jenny Spencer and Charlotte Green to increase the amount of days they work, which we have been bothering them about for years!
Any queries, feedback or suggestions, please feel free to message the management team.