Fledglings June News 2024

Fledglings News  June 2024 
Stay and PlayWe hope you have enjoyed the stay and play if you have been able to attend any of them… the next one is Friday 14th June in playschool.  Then preschool 2 (children not going to school this year) Thursday 20th June and the final one is preschool 2 Monday 15th July.  We really appreciate you making the time to come and join us. Please remember that no devices enabled to take photographs are permitted in the nursery rooms.  Please leave phones/cameras etc. at home.  If any devices are brought to nursery, we will ask that they be left in the corridor until it is time to go.  Many thanks for your understanding.😊  Preschool leaver’s trip – Nixons Farm Monday 1st July All children who are leaving to go to school this year are invited to go on the trip, regardless of whether it is their normal day of attendance.  We have sent you an invitation on Famly.  The coach will be leaving at 9:30, so if it is not your child’s normal day, please ensure they have arrived by no later than 9:15am, then they will need collecting at 12:15.  The children are eating in the café at Nixons.   
Holidays Please could you tag either Jane or Jo (or both) into any messages you send regarding children’s absences, so we can also make a note and not message you on the beach!  School visits We have been given the dates of transition visits for Moss Hey, but please could you inform us via Famly message of dates of other school’s transition times.  If it is your child’s normal day of attendance, we will take them across to Moss Hey and collect them at the end of the session.  We will need you to sign the permission on Famly to enable us to do this. 
Work in school Thank you for your co-operation the last couple of weeks using the alternative entrance to Fledglings.  We are so glad we didn’t have to move premises, or even worse – close! The work remains ongoing until the summer and maybe longer… please ensure to keep hold of your child’s hand along our fenced pathway when coming in or leaving to ensure their safety at all times.  Reminders if we may… 

  • Hopefully the weather will improve…!  Please remember to send a NAMED sun hat and apply suncream to your children before nursery and ensure to let the staff on the door know at drop off time that they have had it on.  Suncream will be reapplied in the afternoon if required. 

We have really enjoyed having Kim back for some music sessions.  Singing is a vital part of children’s language and communication development.  Kim always manages to really engage the children with new and familiar songs. 

Our minibus trip to the residential care home was a great success, some of the residents will be visiting us next time 😊 

Our Simply Books visit was most enjoyable, we intend to take different groups of children each session. 

Rhythm Time We have booked a Rhythm Time session for the playschool children attending on Tuesday 25th June.  We hope to book more sessions on different days of the week so that all the children get the opportunity to join in a session. 
Our ‘policy of the month’ this month is Notice Period’ We require one full calendar month’s written notice if your child is leaving Fledglings or permanently reducing their days, during which time full fees are payableFor example, if you give notice between 1-30 April, then the notice period will be up until 31 May.