September Newsletter

Welcome back to those who have been on holiday and a big welcome to the new families that have started with us over the Summer and those who are just about to start.

Staffing: We are sad to tell you that Karina Brooks will be leaving us on 22nd September, Karina is a longstanding staff member, who has been a pleasure to work with, we wish her the best of luck in her new job.

We would also like to introduce and offer a warm welcome to Marie Lynham who will be working in room 2 (playschool) with our 2-3 year olds, Marie is an experienced Nursery Practitioner who has had experience with children of all ages.

Healthy Eating: Daycare children receive a freshly prepared, nutritious hot lunch.  Please send in a healthy packed lunch for sessional care children. The packed lunch needs to be in a labelled disposable plastic bag, not a lunchbox, this enables us to store packed lunches safely in our fridge.  Please do not send lunchboxes, we will supply drinks.  We encourage healthy eating at Fledglings and would request that your child’s packed lunch contains healthy foods from all food groups, i.e. ham/tuna/cheese sandwich, yogurt, piece of fruit.  To comply with our healthy eating policy, please do not send any sweets, chocolates, biscuits or fizzy drinks in your child’s lunchbox.  Please ensure their lunch is clearly labelled as we have children who cannot eat certain foods for various reasons.

Children’s birthdays are celebrated by blowing the candles out on the nursery cake and receiving a card and sticker, everyone sings happy birthday!  Please do not send in sweet treats or cakes, as not all children for various reasons are allowed to eat them.  If you wish to, you can send in a fruit platter for the children to share at snack-time.

Clothing :Please can you check that your children’s jumpers, shoes, wellies and coats are named? As many children have shoes and coats the same. Converse trainers are not suitable for indoor shoes as children of this age cannot get their feet in them easily, lace them up and tie them, we are trying to encourage independence and therefore anything with Velcro is recommended. Please do not send your child in wearing jewellery, this can become caught up in dressing up clothes and dangerous during PE or outdoor activities.

Car Park: DO NOT PARK IN, OR WALK ACROSS THE SCHOOL CAR PARK AT ANY TIME.  To avoid traffic congestion outside school, Moss Hey operates a one way system.  Enter via Langdale Road, go all the way to the top, turning right into Eskdale Avenue, follow the road all the way back down to the school.  Please park considerately, not blocking resident’s driveways and not on any road markings.  Our entrance is around the fenced pathway.  It is very busy around 9:00am and 3:00pm due to school collections.  To comply with the terms of our Lease and our safeguarding policy, children must not be allowed to walk across the car park at any time.

If you have any questions regarding any of the above, please feel free to telephone the nursery.

Best wishes,
