November newsletter
3 Nov 2015
We will be having a ‘wear something different’ for children in need this year. Children and staff can come dressed up in fancy dress if they want to, or just dressed in something other than their Fledglings uniform. You will also be receiving a ‘Champion colouring in sheet’ this week, please return to Fledglings by 13th November…Lets raise lots!!!!!
End of Nursery Day In response to parental requests, our opening hours have been extended to 6pm. As this happened after the start of our new academic year, we decided not to charge extra for this increase. Unfortunately, it is necessary to impose a late charge in line with other day nurseries if you collect your child after 6pm. The charge will be £5 per 5 minutes. This is because I need to pay two staff to stay with children. Please ensure that if you are going to be late, you telephone to inform us, so that staff can make arrangements for their own transportation and children.
Car Park Policy No parents or grandparents should be using the school car park, other than those who have specific mobility needs and have been granted permission. Please pass this message on to anyone who drops off/collects your child(ren).
Safeguarding Policy and Prevent Duty Can I remind you to telephone the nursery in the morning if your child is going to be absent. Last month’s newsletter stated that we will telephone parents of children who have failed to arrive at nursery by 12:00 if they were due to arrive in the morning, or 4pm if they were due to arrive in the afternoon. Having trialled this for a couple of weeks, we have revised these times to 11:00am and 3:00pm. Please remember to inform us of your holidays and absences to save receiving a phone call mid-morning/afternoon! Many thanks.
Term dates Sessional care break up for Christmas on Friday 18th December returning Monday 4th January 2016. Daycare closes on Tuesday 22nd December and return on Monday 4th January 2016. You should have received by email the term dates for this coming academic year, please let us know if you haven’t got it and we will send you another copy.
Christmas Party All children will be invited to our Christmas party on Monday 21st December, 9:30am to 11:30am.
Pre-school Christmas Production This year our pre-school production will take place on Tuesday 8th December, one in the morning (usually around 9:30am) and one in the afternoon (usually around 2:00pm). We are joining up with Moss Hey’s reception class and the production will be in the school hall. Tickets will be issued nearer the time and are limited to two per child initially. Our children will have a few action songs that they will be singing independently. Pre-school children will take part in one of the two productions and will have a costume provided. I will be splitting the children into two groups according to their normal attendance pattern and will let you know individually which group your child is in when we sort out the costumes.
Best wishes, Julie