Parents Information Meeting
30 Sep 2014
Thursday September 11th 2014
Julie welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming, she introduced the staff and gave a brief overview of their roles and responsibilities, she explained that at Fledglings all staff are highly qualified and experienced. Shannon our apprentice is currently working towards her first childcare qualification.
There was an explanation of how the key-person system operates and how transition works for children moving from room to room also how our outdoor space is as important as our indoor space for learning opportunities.
Parents were informed that, topics, term dates and information about staff, future events, dates for diaries etc. are always in the half termly newsletter which should be published on our website once it has gone into the book bags.
We will be arranging our key-worker/parent meetings once per term, although you are very welcome to arrange extra meetings should you require one.
You can speak to your key–person when you drop off or pick up your child, you may need to wait a minute so that we can find a member of staff to relieve them, shift patterns mean that keyworkers are not always here at the very beginning and very end of the day therefore we have a Buddy system to ensure that there is always someone there who you can speak to regarding your child. Parents are welcome to phone/email any time they have any concerns whatsoever.
Children’s achievements, paintings and ‘WoW’ stickers are displayed on the children’s personal display spaces, some of these are then added to your child’s Learning Journey. We will be sending home Learning Journeys at regular intervals for you to add things and comment in them.
Angela explained that all information, paintings, day slips go in book bags so it is very important to bring book bags in every day and children to check their drawers, this also creates good habits for when children start school. Drawers will be checked and their contents put into your child’s book bag and placed on their peg should they be leaving from a different room.
Namecards – please encourage your child(ren) to get into the habit of bringing their namecard into nursery with them at the beginning of their session. It helps children know which group they are in and we use them to see who has had snack. We also use the namecards when children are learning their own name, so please encourage children to look after their namecard.
Please do not let your child bring in toys from home, as children get very upset if they get mislaid, also some toys are not suitable for the age of the children in the room, reasonably sized comforters are fine.
Julie spoke about Birthday treats – please do not send in cakes or sweets if it is your child’s birthday, there are many reasons for this, but most importantly, some children have specific dietary allergies and cannot have certain foods. Children blow candles out on a pretend cake on their birthday as part of circle time and they wear the birthday hat and receive a card and a sticker.
Packed lunches please send these in a named bag, this is very important to ensure that your child receives the food that has been chosen for them by you, we store the food in a fridge, therefore there is not enough room for lunchboxes. The contents of your child’s lunchbag are placed onto a plate and children are supported by a member of staff when eating, we supply drinks so please don’t feel you need to send one in. We encourage the children to brush their teeth after lunch if they are not going home, therefore we would appreciate a toothbrush in a named container being brought into nursery to remain here.
Session times, it is very important to collect your child on time CHILDREN NEED TO BE SIGNED OUT OF NURSERY BEFORE ARRIVING CHILDREN CAN BE SIGNED IN, please be aware that sometimes we cant always let you into the room the minute you arrive if we already have parents in the room speaking to key workers, we will ask you to hang on for a couple of minutes whilst the children who are leaving are safely out of the room with their parents and then let you in.
Please do not use Mobile phones on Nursery premises
CAR PARK – Please do not walk across or park in the school car park, all children should be brought into Fledglings via the fenced pathway having first parked considerately on Eskdale Avenue. Please ensure that everyone who collects your child is aware of this Policy.
Jo explained about the Nursery Education Grant and invoicing, also information from parents, we should have received your child’s information sheet detailing all contact names, numbers and photographs (via email, please send asap if you haven’t already done so) of all adults collecting children. If an emergency arises where someone not stated has to collect your child(ren), we will ask for the confidential password provided on the information sheet. If any details change, addresses, mobile numbers, work numbers etc., please send Jo an email or note.
Becki explained about our planning and the Early Years Foundation Stage Document, that informs our planning and goes from birth to the end of Reception and how we plan individualised learning from children’s next steps, Key-workers complete a ‘Learning Journey’ for each child this together with observations and practical and photographic evidence forms a document that is related to your child’s development.
Kim and Sally are music teachers who come into nursery to provide music sessions for the children; we also use the school hall at least once a week for dance or action activities.
‘My day’ slips are for children who attend full days in daycare to be used as brief notes for parents to ensure some feedback is received as staff change from morning to evening and the parent/carer may not see the same person at the end of the day as at the beginning.
Karina discussed ourNatureGardenand the benefits of taking part in theseForestSchooltype of activities, such as building confidence, co-operating together and taking risks safely. The physical benefits are being active outside and allowing high quality play, discovering for ourselves and building self-esteem. Social skills are fostered and encouraged; all children from room 1 will take part and some of the older children from room 2.
Carol spoke about our Parents Group, who are a group of parents who help us out when running Discos, wrapping Christmas presents and raffle prizes. We are hoping to extend the remit of this group to include termly meetings for a quick catch up and information sharing. We will be sending an invitation to the first meeting in a few weeks, it would be great if some of you would join us, you don’t have to commit to coming regularly just when you can.
Julie answered questions from parents who were then invited to speak to staff and look round the nursery.